divendres, 31 de gener del 2020

An efficient and deterministic photon management using deep subwavelength features

In this communication, we are presenting a novel method to enhance light trapping and the broadband absorption of the solar radiation absorption-based photonic devices. Specifically, efficient broadband absorption was recently demonstrated with arrays of subwavelength structures. The current study examines both numerically and experimentally light trapping driven by deep sidewall subwavelength structures (DSSS) in silicon nanopillar (NP) arrays (DSSS arrays). Particularly, the focus is on DSSS geometries that are an inherent outcome of the top-down dry etch approach used in arrays of high aspect ratio NPs due to the periodical operationality of the Bosch dry etch method. ~10% enhancement in the broadband absorption of DSSS arrays compared with NP arrays is demonstrated numerically, as well as the generation of near-IR absorptivity peaks of ~25% for DSSS arrays. Importantly, it is shown that the introduction of DSSS systematically blue-shifts the absorptivity peaks of the NP arrays and in this manner a deterministic light trapping is possible. Finally, decrements of ~40% in direct reflectivity and ~7% in diffused reflectivity in DSSS arrays realized on silicon wafers is demonstrated experimentally.

The paper has been published in Nano Energy journal (Elsevier) and this is the link to the journal: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nanoen.2020.104521


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